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Catell offers products designed for hand therapy. We improve people’s daily lives through functional aids. By assessing environmental impact in various business processes, we prioritize sustainable solutions.

We comply with relevant laws and regulations and strive for continuous improvement, customer satisfaction, and patient safety.

Social Commitment
We promote human rights, good working conditions and business ethics by:
• Ensuring our own products are manufactured safely and meet the requirements of MDR (Medical Device Regulation).
• Ensuring our suppliers have active quality and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practices.
• Providing our employees with opportunities for skill development.
• Striving for equal treatment, gender equality, good working conditions, and a healthy and motivating work environment.
• Rejecting all forms of corruption, bribery, or other improper influence.

Environmental Considerations
We work on continuous improvements to reduce our environmental footprint by:
• Collaborating with suppliers and customers to reduce emissions and waste from the production and use of our products.
• Coordinating transportation as much as possible for purchases and deliveries to customers.
• Using packaging made from recycled materials. We are connected to NPA (Swedish producer responsibility organisation).
• Choosing environmentally labelled consumables and energy-efficient equipment when making purchases.
• Striving to reduce the number of printed materials. 
• Sorting waste generated in the business.