Catell - 100% Hand Therapy
What we do
We support people to a better every day life. Support is a good word that explains what we do. Our hand therapy products is used mainly in the health care in different situations and levels. Everything from primary care, occupational health care to specialist care. Occupational therapists and physio therapists are typical perscribers of our products.
The end consumer of our products are for example the pregnant woman with Carpal tunnel syndrome, the clerk at the checkout at the grocery store with a repetitive strain injury on his thumb or the elderly gentleman who sustiand a wrist fracture.
Our way of working
With our own product development and products from world-leading suppliers can we offer a wide and competitive range. The goal is to offer affordable, functional pruducts in stylish design. Our strong team are here to guide you in choosing the right product and handling the delivery to you.
Hand therapy and satisfied customers are what we are passionate about.
Company details
Catell was founded in 2009 and is a Swedish company. There are 10 employees and the business is conducted from Älta in southern Stockholm.